There are a ton of cute new kits out this week at
Gingerscraps!! I have 2 hybrid projects to share with you today as well as one layout!
First, here is my new paper bag album that I made using all of our pictures from the Animal Kingdom at Disney world!
Creations by Julie really has a great template and it's so easy to use! I have it displayed on my hutch in the dining room :)
I've also joined back up with
Wyld Web Designs and am on her CT as well as Graham Like the Cracker again!! Char (wyld web designs) has this awesome new kit out for St. Patty's Day! It's called Feeling Lucky.....

This last hybrid project was made using
P'tit Studio Katia's newest addition called Eggstra Ordinary Eggs Volume 2! I made them into little Easter Cards!
Head on over go Gingerscraps Blog to check out all the new goodies in the store! There is a lot of inspiration there too ;) Have a great weekend!