Silversword71 kit Thankful Freebie and I used obsidian dawn brushes and blended them with the papers in the kit.
Journaling:Your first Thanksgiving was spent at my friend Lisa’s house in Germany. All of our husbands were goneon deployment and we had each other to get us through! Aurora and all her kids came as welland we all had so much fun. The food was greatand we had many laughs together! You weregetting a little fusy so I decided to go aheadand feed you some carrots. You loved them but you loved the turkey leg more!!
Sweet as Candy!
Credits:Cotton Candy byMKDesigns
Blue frame by Kristen Aagard
CoffeeShop Photo Action in Pink Glow
Then I cut the poster board to the correct size so I could fit it from the bottom of the box all the way to the top. I wrapped the remainder of the poster board and taped it to the back to secure it.
Now if you have a white t-shirt or tank top lying around go get it! I stole one of my hubby's undershirts and cut it up. I taped a piece of it to either side of the box to allow a little bit of light to show through but to also keep the brightness. Secure them with tape and voila! You have a cheap light box that works magic! If you have a desk light that swivels, you can use that by putting it directly on top of the box so it's shining in from the top.
I usually take my photos during the day because I think sunlight is the best light. I hardly ever use my flash unless I absolutely have to! To get a great picture just hold your camera very steady or use a tripod if you have one. Once you have some pictures you like you can always touch them up in photoshop. I hope this helps! It's super easy, cheap, and works wonders!!!
All the images were made using templates by Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs
Here is my version of it! I used Shabby Princess's Kit Festival for the box.
The little flowers are made using other papers in the "Festival" kit. I just cut them out into flowers and the added a little mod podge to them and curled up the edges to resemble flowers. I added a button and a sweet little tag with my initial on it!
This is what it looks like when you open it! You can put so many little things in here and it would make a great gift to someone!
I hope you've enjoyed my little creation! Now hop on over to the other ladies blogs to check out what else is new with Kelleigh and her amazing designs! One lucky winner will be chosen to win the "Pefect Pumpkin" box just for leaving a comment on Kelleigh's blog!
Here are your other stops:
http://kelleighratzlaff.com/ - Kelleigh
http://tracykosofsky.blogspot.com/ - Tracy
http://poeticartistry.blogspot.com/ - Julee
http://www.mycrazylifeasamomandawife.blogspot.com/ - Julie
http://julifreshfish.blogspot.com/ - Juli
http://scrapgarden.net/scrapsofme/ - Christy
http://www.paperdaydream.blogspot.com/ - Dana
http://www.creativityinprogress.com/blog/ - Sunghee
http://www.lauras-little-corner.blogspot.com/ - Laura- You are Here!